Monday, August 2, 2010

Do You Feel Neglected?

I'm so sorry for neglecting my sweet blog.  I've been trying to stock up my Etsy shop.  I told myself I couldn't shop anymore until I had every thing listed...yeah right.  Who am I fooling?  I just know that there is a poor, neglected, greasy bread box out there in some lonely thrift waiting for my rescue.  I'm just sayin'...

My daughter starts Montesorri preschool in a few weeks and  I will have 2 days a week to shop a-l-o-n-e- while she is at school.  I am so thrilled!  She just doesn't see the beauty in the brass candlesticks and wants to ride in the big part of the cart where I need to heap my treasures.  I hope she is friendlier than this when she goes to school. 

I have listed a lot of new beauties on Turquoise Rollerset this past week.  Please come and visit!  Here is a peek of what's new...

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone,
    I wanted to let you know that my blog address has changed from to www.arufflednest .net . I was trying to change things on my blog and messed up pretty bad but am thankful I did not loose everything. Sorry foe the inconvenience.
    Thanks, sherrie
